Education & Training


To be an open distance e-learning institution of excellence.


To provide inclusive, quality education and training innovative approaches.

Institutional Value

  • Accessibility: To provide opportunities for adults and out-of-school youth to further their education or develop new skills.
  • Sustainability: To ensure the College has enough resources to be able to continue to develop and offer programmes in the future.
  • Quality: To strive for the highest standards of programmes and service delivery.
  • Accountability: To provide our stakeholders with convincing evidence of the value of what we do.
  • Responsiveness: To address training needs and emerging challenges in a timely fashion.

NAMCOL is a State Owned Educational institution created by an Act of Parliament (Act 1 of 1997) to provide learning opportunities for adults and out-of-school youth.

In November 1994, NAMCOL was initially established as a directorate within the then Ministry of Basic Education and Culture (MBEC).

This transition period was completed on 1st April 1998, when the newly-established institution took over responsibility for all continuing education programmes formerly administered by the MBEC.

NAMCOL is an autonomous institution, directed by a Board of Governors appointed by the Minister of Education Arts and Culture. At the helm of the management is a Chief Executive Officer, assisted by four Directors, four Regional Managers and Middle Management.

NAMCOL employs the services of 113 full- time staff members and more than 1 500 part-time staff members countrywide. Since its inception, the College has accommodated thousands of learners through its Secondary Education and Tertiary Level Programmes. NAMCOL Head Office is situated along Independence Avenue,in the Katutura suburb of Windhoek.

The NAMCOL complex was formally inaugurated by the then Minister of Basic Education, Sport and Culture (MBESC) Honourable John Mutorwa on 29 October 1998.The College’s services are extended throughout the whole of Namibia via the four Regional offices in Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, Rundu and Ongwediva and Sub-Regional Offices in Gobabis, Keetmanshoop, Walvis Bay, Opuwo,  Katima Mulilo, Omuthiya, Eenhana and Oranjemund.


Written on 2025-01-29 13:05:53 by Chantal Louw

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